DMX is a relatively new brand in the world of slot car racing. However, that does not mean they have not offered some worthwhile products to slot car racers despite their relatively short life.
Many slot car enthusiasts have found that the DMX racer car racing set offers everything they want.
If you have been considering venturing into the DMX line, you should get a good idea of what to expect. Here are some DMX slot car racing sets reviews to help you decide.
DMXSLOTS Exclusive Slot Car Racing Package
Set at an average of $190.00 in most online suppliers (shipping not included, of course), this set features an 18 feet track with eight different configurations. In addition, the track is a 4-lane course. Also, it comes with 4 1:32 slot cars modeled after real-life vehicles.
Something noteworthy about the set is that this is oneDMX’s first digital race course. This is because it contains an actual lane-changing gimmick.
This means that racers no longer win by having the fastest lap times. Instead, they can beat the others to the top position like the actual motorsport.
The slot cars come with DMX racer newest chassis. Therefore, they have fast acceleration rates and top speeds. The only disadvantage of this set is that it is in a limited edition.
This means it is comparatively more expensive despite its relatively small parts count. However, this is something to seriously consider as there is a complete version of the set.
Frankly speaking, the DMX Racer G2 is just the Exclusive Slot Car Racing Set repackaged in a new box. However, it does come with some newer additions.
There are at least ten more track pieces in the set. This means that the track now covers 22 feet compared to 18 feet.
The Exclusive Slot Car Racing Set features include lane-changing features, a tune-up kit, and the same 4 1:32 scale slot cars with the same MegaG+ chassis.
What is entirely new for this set are 2 5-Button Steering Wheel Controllers. Unlike the typical slot car controllers, these steering wheel controllers allow racers to control their cars like actual vehicles.
Their layout might be unfamiliar at first. However, the wheel-type controllers are known to have faster response speeds than their trigger-type counterpartWhat’st’s more surprising is that this set is that it is actually cheaper than its predecessor by at least $40.00.
You can get the DMX Racer G2 set at prices no higher than $160.00 in most online suppliers.
AFX21017 Giant MG+ DMX Racer Slot Car Racing SDMX’sX’s biggest slot car racing set, the giant set spans an intimidating 62.5 feet.
Also, it contains more than 150 unique track pieces. If you follow the assembly instructions, the track layout you can create will have multiple sharp turns, loops, bridges, and guardrails!
This set includes 2 1:32 slot cars that look like generic Formula 1 vehicles. Also, they have a variant of the MegaG+ chassis. This means they can quickly hit their top speeds and maintain that power, even in curved sections.
The set comes with a Tri-Power controller. This allows you to control the speed and difficulty of each race. At the lowest setting, the cars will run at a leisurely and controllable pace. This is ideal for beginners or those who want a simple warmup before the race.

The Three Speeds
At the mid-setting, more energy will flow into the chassis. Also, this will cause cars to run at a faster but highly controllable speed. However, you might finish the race without crashing by maneuvering their slot cars properly.
Finally, the chassis will run at full power at the highest setting. This means that the slot cars will run at their top speeds. Hence, a car’s chances of dislodging from the pin will be high.
Therefore, this setting is recommended only for competitive racers who have mastered the basics of the sport.
The Price
Given that this DMX’s biggest slot car ever, it is also their most expensive. Prices for this set will go no lower than $1,500.00 and as much as $1,800.00 depending on the supplier.
The set also demands ample space due to its 62.5 feet track. Therefore, it is recommended only for racers who can clear that amount of space plus a bit of leeway for racers to maneuver through the course.
Are DMX Slot Cars Worth Buying?
Now that we know the different products that DMX racer offers, it is time to ask ourselves if their slot cars are worth the price.
The answer to this question is a resounding yes! After all, you are getting your money’s worth and then some with each purchase.
For starters, DMX racer makes sure that its products are of the highest quality. This is to ensure that each car will last for many races without succumbing to wear and tear.
What’s more, DMX racer slot cars also offer a wide variety of sets to choose from. This ensures that there is a set that will fit both your needs and budget.
Finally, DMX racer slot cars also offer a wide range of after-sales services. This includes a one-year warranty on all of their products.
This is to ensure that you can get a replacement or have your car fixed in case it breaks down within the first year of use.
All in all, DMX’s slot cars are definitely worth the price!
Should I Buy Carrera Slot Car Sets?
Another great choice in the slot car market is Carrera. This company is known for making high-quality and durable products.
Carrera also offers a wide variety of sets to choose from. This includes both basic and complex sets that are perfect for both beginners and experienced racers.
What’s more, Carrera also offers a wide range of after-sales services. This includes a one-year warranty on all of their products.
This is to ensure that you can get a replacement or have your car fixed in case it breaks down within the first year of use.
All in all, Carrera’s slot cars are definitely worth the price!
Is Ninco a Good Choice for Slot Cars?
In conjunction with Carrera, another great choice for slot cars is Ninco. This company is also known for making high-quality and durable products.
Ninco also offers a wide variety of sets to choose from. This includes both basic and complex sets that are perfect for both beginners and experienced racers.
What’s more, Ninco also offers a wide range of after-sales services. This includes a one-year warranty on all of their products.
This is to ensure that you can get a replacement or have your car fixed in case it breaks down within the first year of use.
Is Scalextric Slot Cars Still Around?
Unfortunately, Scalextric has gone out of business. However, their products are still available on the market.
So, if you’re looking for a high-quality and durable product, then Scalextric’s slot cars are definitely worth the price!
You may have trouble if you need repairs or replacements, however, as the company is no longer in business.
Can You Still Find People Who Race Slot Cars?
Yes, you can still find people who race slot cars. In fact, the sport is still quite popular among enthusiasts.
One of the reasons for this is that it is a relatively cheap hobby. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on a high-end car or track.
All you need is a basic set and you’re good to go!
Another reason why people still race slot cars is that it is a lot of fun! It’s a great way to relieve stress and compete with friends.
So, if you’re looking for a fun and affordable hobby, then racing slot cars is definitely for you!
Did Video Games Help or Hurt the Slot Car Industry?
It is difficult to say whether or not video games helped or hurt the slot car industry. On one hand, video games introduced a whole new generation to the world of racing.
On the other hand, video games also made people less interested in physical activities such as racing.
In the end, it is hard to say whether video games helped or hurt the slot car industry. However, one thing is for sure: racing slot cars is still a lot of fun!
Should You Start Racing Slot Cars?
If you’re looking for a fun and affordable hobby, then racing slot cars is definitely for you! It’s a great way to relieve stress, compete with friends, and have a good time.
However, if you have kids at this age it may be tough to get them to try a “physical” activity like this. You can try to interest them by letting them play slot car racing video games first.
This will give them a taste of what the sport is like without having to commit to it right away. Who knows, they may just be interested enough to give it a try!
Final Thoughts
Racing slot cars is a great hobby for people of all ages. It’s affordable, fun, and can be done with friends or family.
If you’re thinking about getting into the world of racing, then we definitely recommend giving it a try! Who knows, you may just find yourself hooked!
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