Many insurance companies allow you to add someone to your car insurance policy if you are related or live together. Usually, your insurer will offer you a car insurance policy to cover the entire household, including a spouse and licensed teenagers.
In some cases, you can even add non-relatives living under the same roof. This is ideal if you and your roommate share a car. However, if you drive separate cars, most insurers will offer separate policies.
Generally, each insurance company will have its own rules before you can add someone to your policy. However, the process is often simple and can be completed over the phone or online if you meet all the requirements.
Can I Someone to My Car Insurance If They Do Not Live with Me?
Most insurance companies will not allow you to add someone to your policy if they do not live with you. This is because one policy offers coverage to family members or roommates who use the same vehicle.
Adding someone to your policy who does not live with you can be challenging. However, in some cases, you might be able to keep people on your policy temporarily even if they do not live with you.
For instance, a child who is away at college but uses the car when at home may still be added to your policy.
Who Should I Add to My Car Insurance Policy?
Generally, you should add immediate family members who are legally allowed to drive. This type of policy is usually called named-driver car insurance. Under this policy, a named driver can use your car anytime with the same level of coverage you are offered.
The policyholder remains the main driver of the policy. Some companies even allow temporary additions to your policy for as little as a week.
If you have people who occasionally borrow your car, you do not need to add them to your policy as they remain covered under permissive use. Permissive use extends coverage to drivers who have permission to use your car.
It is important to note that anyone who borrows your car must have an insurance policy in case of an accident.
Excluded drivers and anyone who takes your car without permission are not covered under your policy. This is considered non-permissive use, and they are liable for any damages that occur while they are driving.
Does Adding Someone to My Car Insurance Affect My Premiums?
There are several factors that may affect your premiums when you add someone to your policy. These include:
● Place of residence
● The new driver’s driving record
● Their credit rating
● Age
● Driving experience, and more.
If you add an older driver to your policy, they are considered more experienced and lower risk, which might reduce the cost of your premiums.
Insurance companies consider teens to be high risk because they are less experienced and lack the natural caution that comes with years of on-the-road experience. Adding a newly licensed teen driver to your policy could drive up your premiums.
Some insurance companies offer discounted packages specifically tailored for teenage drivers. These packages consider factors such as extra driver’s education classes or performance in special programs for teenagers. Teenagers who perform well on these courses may be eligible for significant discounts.
Adding someone who has a history of traffic violations and insurance claims can also increase the cost of your premiums.
On the other hand, high-risk drivers can also lower their policy premiums by adding a low-risk driver to their policy. The insurance company determines that by adding a low-risk driver, the overall risk is reduced, and the premiums are lower.
Once you submit the required information to your insurance company, they will usually determine how much more you will be paying in premiums.
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ research shows that adding drivers who have good reviews does not significantly affect your rates and might even save you money.
How Do I Add Someone to My Car Insurance?
Before adding someone to your car insurance policy, contact your provider online or over the phone to find out what are the rules and requirements. You may also be required to provide information about the additional driver, such as:
● Their full name
● Date of birth
● Their occupation
● Marital status
● Driving license number
● Type of driving license
● Details of any vehicle-related accidents or collisions in their history
● Any claims they have made in the past
Adding a Driver Vs. Sharing a Policy
Adding a driver to your policy usually means that they are covered under your policy when they are using your car. In case of a collision, your insurance company is liable for damages.
Sharing a policy means that you both drive different vehicles, and both are covered under one policy.
If you have a roommate who has their own vehicle, you can share a policy to save money on premiums. You can also drive each other’s cars. However, if your roommate has a history of traffic violations or claims, they can add to your premiums.
Should I Add a Roommate to My Policy?
Whether you live with a domestic partner or a relative, your roommate is assumed to have access to your car. The insurance company expects roommates to be included or excluded from your policy.
Including your roommate gives them coverage in case of an accident, including first-party medical. If your roommate frequently uses your car, it is best to include them in your policy.
Can I Exclude a Roommate from My Policy?
Excluding a driver means specifically barring them from using your vehicle. In case of an accident, they are not covered by your insurance, and their driving history does not affect your premiums.
In most cases, insurance companies encourage you to list everyone who’s legally allowed to drive in your household on your insurance policy.
However, if you have a roommate who has a history of DUI convictions and other traffic infractions, it is best to exclude them from your policy and ensure they do not use your vehicle.
The exclusion process is easy as most insurance companies only require that you speak to an agent and complete the necessary paperwork. Once you have provided all the necessary information, your insurance company will not use their information to determine your premiums.
An exclusion will usually last until the expiry of your policy or when you contact the insurance company to remove the exclusion. Contact your insurance company to find out how long it takes before the exclusion can be lifted.
Exclusion Vs. Removing Someone from a Car Insurance Policy
As discussed above, exclusion means that a driver is not covered under your policy in case of a crash. An excluded driver is a non-permissive driver.
If a family member moves out, you can remove them from your policy. However, if they visit you and use your vehicle, they may still be eligible for coverage as a permissive driver in case of a collision.
Can Someone Else Insure Your Vehicle?
If a person who regularly drives your car is unable to get coverage under your policy, they may be eligible for a second insurance policy on your vehicle.
We recommend contacting your insurance company to ensure that they cannot be listed under your policy before buying another insurance policy.
Is It Cheaper To Add A Second Person To Car Insurance Policy?
Adding a driver to your insurance policy usually means that your premiums will increase. However, in some cases, it may be cheaper to add a second person to your car insurance policy.
If you have a family member who is an experienced driver with a clean driving record, they may help to lower your premiums.
In addition, if you add someone to a new policy versus an existing policy, it can be cheaper. The reason being is that you won’t pay fees associated with canceling and starting a new policy.
It’s always best to speak with your insurance company to see if adding a driver will increase or decrease your premiums.
Adding Someone to Your Car Insurance Policy
You can add anyone in your household who has a valid driving license to your car insurance. Adding someone to your car insurance is an easy process, and friends and family visiting from out of town are also covered as permissive drivers. Any family members that do not live with you should purchase separate policies.
However, we recommend speaking to an insurance agent before making any changes to your policy.
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